Original: 2010/1/15…
It’s taken a couple days to get back into the groove back home. I’ve been gone four weeks and the world feels like it’s passed me by. Thus is the tempo of digital marketing.
Therein it goes.
I just finished working on wearing out my running shoes. And I just finished killing some ants at OldOld Man Finn’s summer place.
Note to Self:
When saving a jam basket, make sure it’s all cleaned out.
Now comes the task of waiting for messages to be returned, compiling the to-do list, and reminding myself that the Book of Blues Prequel won’t write itself.
So long as I can stay busy, I can keep managing my winter blues…so I hope.
And another ant down.
It’s a 33-degree day in The Region. Where the hell are they coming from?
In 2018…

Another year went by.
Another state moved to.
Another home. This time, we own it. We even painted on the walls this time.
A new niece. A new set of friends. A new favorite restaurant.
Even a new dog.
Everything but the writing.
Goddamn. The excuses sound like they did in 2010.
Just, things. Things that happened. Everyday things.
So this is why folks keep journals: To remember these things happen again and again.
I should have had the first draft to my fifth First book by June. Now, granted, we were buying a house without an agent at that point, but still, too many little moments I could have used when waiting for big blocks to write. 20 minutes here, an hour there. They added up, and slipped away, again.
So I’ve been making changes to come back out of hibernation, again.
For starters, I can’t play Pokemon Go like I was.
As much as I was estatic to find groups of friends that I didn’t have to go to the bar to discover – not that there was anything wrong with that – they can play for hours at a time. I know, I’ve been there with them. Often. I’ve learned much about where to go in Tillamook County and the Oregon Coast because of the game, but I can’t get to where I need to go playing at the level in which they play.
So, I’ve cut myself off between 7am and 5pm during the week. I’ve also let fellow players know I have to get things done before I go out to play. All adulting and shit, since none of them have volunteered to write them with me.
This goes for lunch breaks, too.
I’ve been telling everyone in my day-to-day that I’m about to go in the hole to write.
It might be as much for my benefit as theirs. In fact, it might be moreso for me, because those I’m telling know I’m going to be there for them when they need me, and that I’m not ditching them . They seem to know these facts more than I.
I’m going to do less volunteering, going forward.
We already helped a friend’s campaign for County Commissioner.
Right now, I’m helping my favorite restaurant with the the new building they’re rehabbing. Not a lot, especially after demo. They have another round of demoing happening. I’ll be helping with that.
The restaurant is owned by the neighbors on the other side of our back fence.
Katie’s cousins are also finishing acquiring their house via Habitat for Humanity. My mother-in-law and I have put in quite a few hours. They’ve made incredible progress in a short amount of time, but they have to finish the 500 hours to get the loan – assuming the government gets over their tug-of-whore shutdown and the cousins can complete their loan.
We’re also building the website for the church. The value of it will supplement tithing, so I’m told.
After that, we’re keeping things quiet.
Katie’s getting her wood shop and art studio in the garage. I’ve got a laptop and several sets of headphones…and a new set of Billy Mays stickers.

We’re going to create art along the water every second we get.
We’ll be an aunt & uncle, live in a cabin, and do the things we do.
Back to it, for now.
Since I’ve been updating this post, the books have written a grand total of 0 words by themselves. Bugger.
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